admin Portraits Werken - een selectie Bekijk details door over de afbeelding te bewegen 'Theodora', 160x160cm, oil on canvas‘Jean Vandecasteele’, State portrait of former Mayor of Ostend, 144x91cm, oil on canvas'Charlotte', JPO Child Labour and Youth Employment in Tanzania, 60x78cm, mirror portrait oil on marouflage'Hanna', 235x191cm, oil on canvas'Elisabeth & Anne-Charlotte', 4 piece portrait series Brothers and Sisters, 90x60cm, oil on marouflage'Alexandre & Henry', 4 piece portrait series of Brothers and Sisters, 90x60cm, oil on marouflage'Johan Vande Lanotte', (detail) State portrait Deputy Prime Minister & former Mayor of Ostend, professor of constitutional law and human rights at the University of Ghent and poetry lover, 141x90 cm, oil on canvas'Hanna', 60x83cm, oil on marouflage'Mother', 15x10cm, mirror portrait oil on marouflage'Charlotte & Emelie', 60x43cm, oil on marouflage‘Jean Vandecasteele’, (detail) State portrait former Mayor of Ostend, 144x91cm, oil on canvas 'View from inside' (Vick), 37x104cm, mirror animal portrait oil on panel'Julliette' (mirror portrait), 15X10cm, oil on panel'Spectacle artist', 15X20cm, oil on panelOut of serie 'Friends of my father', 15x10cm oil on board'Parents Thierry', 10x40cm, oil on panel'Alois' (dementia), 120 x 60 cm, oil on panel'Patrick' (study, selfportrait), 235x191, oil on canvas